Monolog Dari Aku....

Kita kongsi warna mata tapi tidak warna hati........ Biarkan apa yg tercatat disini menjadi kenangan saat pemergianku...


With you, it's all about voiceless communication- 
always knowing exactly what to say, 
but never actually having to say it. 

When no one seems to be listening, 
you hear. 
When I hurt but don't show it, 
you know. 
When I turn away to hide my tears, 
you see. 
When I feel like I can't get through to anyone, 
you understand. 

Your eyes glow just for me, 
and I know you're proud. 
You flash your magical, healing smile my way, 
and I know everything will be all right. 

You know everything there is to know about me. 
You know what worries me, 
what keeps me up at night, 
and what shames me so badly 
that I can't share it with anyone. 
Most importantly, though, 
none of those things bother you. 

You've restored my faith in people 
and proved that there is a thing 
called true friendship. 

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